*Membership is valid for 12 months from the date of purchase. A renewal reminder will be sent to the email address provided during registration.

Why Join?

As a non-profit entirely run and staffed by volunteers, we can guarantee that all of your membership dues go towards maintaining existing trail infrastructure, and making new trails possible.  All the funds raised from memberships go back into our trails and into our riding community through advocacy, events, programs, and maintenance — making sure the trails we love are kept open and in great shape. We can also leverage these funds to get grants for larger trail projects.

How Else To Give Back

  • Donate — we accept donations through Trailforks or directly through PayPal. Just as with our membership fees, every cent is going back into the trails. If you’re a company looking to give back or connect with our members, check out the Sponsorship opportunities instead. 
  • Dig — Every third Sunday of the month, SIMBS members head out to maintain and build new trails at Hartland. Everyone is welcome to earn some sweat equity in the trail network, no experience required!
  • Engage — SIMBS’s work extends beyond shovels in the ground. In a densely populated part of British Columbia, maintaining and extending access agreements and advocating for mountain biking is absolutely critical. SIMBS’s past and current work has helped ensure a long-term sustainable future for mountain biking on the South Island, but we’re only as loud as our collective voices. Find out how you can help here.

Purchase Your SIMBS Membership Online

Sign up through our new management platform, JoinIt. You will be emailed a reminder when renewal time is near. No credit card information is stored with SIMBS. We use Stripe as our payment processor via JoinIt, which takes place off site.

Once you have completed your initial registration, you’ll receive an confirmation email with your membership details and be asked to login to complete your purchase. In the membership area you can purchase a new membership, check your membership status, and renew your membership. If you have any questions about your payment, please email treasurer@simbs.com.

Enjoy, and thanks for supporting SIMBS!

We acknowledge with gratitude that we live and enjoy recreation on the unceded territories of the W̱SÁNEĆ People.⁠

Double Black Diamond Sponsors
Black Diamond Sponsors
Blue Square Sponsors

©2025 South Island Mountain Bike Society | Made with 🖤 by Brendon